European Industry & Energy Summit 2022

The European process industry and energy sector are partly responsible for causing climate change. But on the other hand, they can also contribute greatly to providing solutions. The European Industry & Energy Summit aims to stimulate ideas, technology, plans and projects to address this challenge by bringing together all relevant parties and expertise from across Europe.

The summit focuses on topics as diverse as zero-emission hydrogen, chemcycling, energy efficiency, electrification, carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS), bio-based chains and more. All these technologies can drive a sustainable future.

Last year, 900 people watched the European Industry & Energy Summit live and online

Who will attend?
The European Industry & Energy Summit targets the management of utilities, process industries, petrochemicals, grid operators, food and beverages, heavy industry, pharmaceuticals, energy research and science, engineering and NGOs. As well as process industry suppliers, secondment, consultancy, contractors and OEMs.

  • What: European industry and energy summit
  • When: 29 and 30 November 2022
  • Where: Brightlands Chemelot Campus, Geleen (Netherlands)

Check out the programme via this link.