CCUS in de praktijk
Ben jij er ook bij op 12 december bij Platform Zero? Ontdek de nieuwste innovaties in de koolstofwaardeketen, van CO2-afvang tot alternatieve brandstoffen.
FLIE speelt een cruciale rol in het ondersteunen van de ontwikkeling van nieuwe CCU-technologie. Met de steun van partners zoals TNO, FME, InnovationQuarter, Port of Rotterdam and Deltalinqs inspireren we industrieën om duurzame praktijken te omarmen en hernieuwbare energie te integreren. Peter van Hooft zal tijdens het event de nieuwste ontwikkelingen delen en alles vertellen over de innovatieve technologieën die we samenbrengen.
Daarnaast zal Ruben Brands van SeaO2 ons laten onderdompelen in de wereld van oceaan-gebaseerde koolstofafvangtechnologie.
Mis deze kans niet om deel uit te maken van de discussie over CCUS in de praktijk! We beginnen om 16:00 uur op de Climate Tech Campus in Rotterdam.
Schrijf je gratis in via deze link:
📍 Adres: Galileastraat 33, Rotterdam
📅 Datum/Tijd: 12 december, 16:00-17:30
🥂 Netwerkmoment na afloop met borrel
We kijken ernaar uit om je daar te zien!
Fieldlab Hub and on-site demonstration
The Industrial Electrification fieldlab consists of two main components. On the one hand, a 'Fieldlab Hub' where work is done on testing and scaling up new technologies in the existing value chain. Cooperation will be sought with the business community and research and educational institutions in the region. In addition, special attention will be paid to cooperation with possible value chain partners and space for realising business cases. The second part of the Fieldlab consists of on-site demonstration sites at companies where these new techniques can be applied in practice and experiences can be exchanged and witnessed. The initiative is strongly supported by the Municipality of Rotterdam, Province of South Holland and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate and the European Commission.
Getting started with FLIE yourself
The fieldlab will play an important role in the Energy & Climate innovation programme. This regional programme of the province of South Holland, MRDH, TNO and InnovationQuarter has the electrification of industry as one of its four main themes. Early this spring, a second voucher round will start where SMEs and chain partners together with FLIE can submit a project proposal and receive up to €100,000 in funding. More information on the available vouchers and the programme is here find.